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有瑕疵包装纸 快递外包装有褐色污渍

admin 抽纸巾 2024-04-20 10:54:45 污渍   包装纸   褐色   装有   瑕疵   外包   快递














包装纸箱在使用过程中,总会出现这样那样的问题,比如破损,比如鼓包,这都为装载带来了不小的麻烦,现在,重庆吸塑厂就针对自身加工原因,为大家分析一下这些问题出现的原因和解决办法。一、问题产生的原因(一)胖包或鼓包 1.楞型选择不当 A瓦的高度是最高的,同样的纸张,虽然其承受垂直压力性能好,但承受平面压力不如B型和C型。A瓦的纸箱装上产品后,在运输过程中,纸箱会受到横向和纵向的振动,包装物和纸箱之间的反复冲击使纸箱壁变薄,出现胖包或鼓包现象。 2.堆放成品铲板的影响产品在成品仓库堆放时,通常堆积得很高,一般是堆两个铲板高。纸箱在堆放过程中,纸箱,特别是底层箱的强度变化,是一“蠕变”过程,其特点是相对稳定载荷在相当的时间内作用于纸箱,纸箱在静载荷下会产生连续的弯曲变形,若长期保持静压力,纸箱将会压塌损坏,所以在铲板上堆放的最下层的纸箱常常发生臌胀,并有一部份被压溃。纸箱受垂直压力时,箱面中央变形最大,出现压溃后的折痕似抛物线为鼓出状。试验证明瓦楞纸箱受压时,四个棱角处强度最好,横边中点处强度最差。因此上层铲板的脚直接压在纸箱中间,使纸箱中间部位形成集中载荷,会造成纸箱破裂或永久变形等。还有由于铲板的缝隙过宽,使纸箱的箱角掉进去,这些都会造成纸箱胖包或鼓包。 3.没有确定好箱高的准确尺寸碳酸饮料箱和水箱的纸箱箱高一般确定为内装物瓶子的瓶高加上2mm左右,由于纸箱堆放时,长时间承受静载荷,以及运输过程中受到冲击、振动、颠簸,使纸箱壁厚变薄,增加了一部分高度,使得箱高比瓶高大得更多,因此使纸箱的胖包或鼓包更加明显。(二)纸箱的大量破损主要由于以下因素: 1.纸箱的箱体尺寸设计不合理纸箱的长、宽、高的尺寸与纸箱的破损关系较大。纸箱的尺寸一般是根据所要装的瓶数及瓶高来确定的。箱长是长方向上的瓶数×瓶的直径,箱宽是宽方向上的瓶数×瓶的直径,箱高基本上是瓶高。箱体的四边周长相当于支撑纸箱压力载荷的整个侧壁,一般周长越长,抗压强度越高,但这种增高并不成比例。如果四边周长太大,即内装物的瓶数比较多,整箱产品的毛重就大,对纸箱的要求也高,需要有较高的抗压强度和耐破度,来保证纸箱的使用性能,否则,纸箱比较容易在流通过程中发生破损等现象。市场上,596mL×24瓶纯水箱在所有的纸箱中破损最大,就是因为其毛重较大,又是单瓦纸箱,在流通过程中容易发生破损现象。在纸箱的长、宽相同的情况下,高度对空箱抗压强度的影响较大。在纸箱四边周长不变的情况下,随着纸箱高度的增大,抗压强度降低,降幅大约为20%。 2.瓦楞纸板的厚度达不到要求由于瓦楞辊在使用过程中会受到磨损,使得瓦楞纸板的厚度达不到规定的要求,使得纸箱的抗压强度偏低,纸箱强度也会下降。 3.纸箱的瓦楞变形产生瓦楞变形的纸板本身较软,平面强度低,刚性也低,用这样纸板制成的瓦楞纸箱抗压强度、戳穿强度也小。因为瓦楞的形状与瓦楞纸板的抗压强度有直接关系。瓦楞的形状一般分为U型、V型、UV型。U型伸张性好,富有弹性,吸收能量较高。在弹性限度内,当压力消除后仍能恢复原状,但因圆弧的着力点不稳定,故平压强度不高。V型与纸面接触小,粘合性差,较易剥离。借助两条斜线的合力作用,挺力好,平压强度较大。但如外力超过其承受的压力限度,楞形被破坏,压力消除后不能恢复原状。UV型取以上两种楞型的优点,耐压强度较高,有较好的弹性和弹性恢复能力,是比较理想的楞型。 4.纸箱的纸板层数设计不合理纸板层数设计不合理,会导致外包装纸箱的破损率提高。所以应该根据所包装的商品的重量、性质、堆码高度、储运条件、储存时间等因素来考虑纸箱所用的纸板层数。 5.纸箱的粘合强度较差判断纸箱的粘合好否,只要用手撕开粘合面,如果发现原纸面被剥坏,则说明纸页粘合得好;如果发现楞峰粘合处无撕毛的纸纤维或呈白粉状,则说明是假粘,这会造成纸箱的抗压强度偏低,并影响到整个纸箱的强度。纸箱的粘合强度与纸张的等级、粘合剂的配制和制造设备及工艺操作有关。 6.纸箱的印刷设计不合理瓦楞纸板的瓦楞形状和结构,决定了瓦楞纸板的承压力。印刷对瓦楞纸板会造成一定损伤,压力的大小和承受面积的大小是影响纸箱抗压强度的一个主要因素。如果印刷压力过大,容易将瓦楞压溃,楞高降低。特别是在压线处印刷时,为了在压线部位进行强制的、清晰的印刷会将整个纸板压溃,使纸箱抗压强度大幅度下降,因此要尽量避免在此印刷。纸箱满版或四周印刷图文时,除压印辊对瓦楞纸板有压迫作用外,油墨对纸面还有浸润作用,这又使纸箱的抗压强度有所降低。一般纸箱作全印刷时,其抗压强度约下降40%。


Brief Introduction



Basic Expressions

1. These goods are very expensive, and easily damaged.


2. Last time you told me that you wanted the most economical packaging.


3. We always take extra care with every shipment.


4. As this article is fragile, please case it into durable packaging.


5. The cost of this article includes packaging.


6. As a rule, the buyer ought to bear the charges of packaging.


7. The outer packing should be strong enough for transportation.


8. As to the inner packaging, it must be attractive and helpful to the sales.


9. For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the gener- ally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.


10. We usually pack each piece of men's shirt in a box, half dozen to a box and 10 dozens to a wooden case.


11. Nowadays many kinds of drinks are packed in paper tins.


12. The wooden case should be not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from any damage.


13. Please pack one TV set to a cardboard box, 4 sets to a wooden case suitable for export.


14. All the cases are strongly packed in compliance with your request.


15. The outer packing in bales or in wooden cases is at buyer's option.


16. Please be assured that the packaging is strong enough to withstand rough handling.


17. The goods must be packed in five- ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract.



Dialogue 1

A: Hi, Mr. Brown, we have visited the factories and I'm very satisfied with your factories?production conditions.

B: Yes, they are our main export bases of tools with the advantage of having good production experience and long historical record. All their products enjoy high prestige in the world market.

A: That's very good. But I have little knowledge about the packing of your pliers. I just want to know the details about that.

B: Ok, I'll show you how the packing is like. We have a showroom on the ground floor. Let's go downstairs and have a look.

A: Sure.

(Now they are in the showroom. They are walking around the room looking at the samples of packaging. Mr. Brown is

explaining the packing to the customer)。






B: These are the various kinds of packing for pliers. Normally, we have three types of packing: skin packing, hanging packing, and blister packing.

A: Oh, the packing looks very nice.

B: The skin packing is the most advanced packing for this product in the world market. It catches the eyes and can help push sales.

A: Good, what about the export packing?

B: Well, they are packed in boxes of two dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case.

A: Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation? You see, 100 boxes of pliers are very heavy. It's about 2,400 kilograms.







B: You can rest assured of that. So far, no customers have com- plained about our outer packing.

A: I'm glad to hear that. By the way, do you accept neutral packing?

B: Yes, we can pack the goods according to your instructions.

A: Very good. Ok, Mr. Brown, I'm now totally satisfied with your packing. You can execute our first order now, and I will open the L/C immediately after I return to Taipei.

B: All right. We'll make the shipment as soon as your L/C is on hand.






Dialogue 2

A: That price of ours, by the way, is for a minimum quantity of 1,000 saddles.

B: Yes, I noticed that. To what extent would local assembly help sales, did you say?

A: 20-30%. But we proposed the plan from the storage and delivery viewpoint. That is to say, less warehouse space and prompt delivery.

B: Yes, of course. Assembly would be quite a simple matter. Cycle dealers could put them together in a very short time.

A: Sales have been exceptionally good during the past twelve months.

B: Yes, I've noticed that. Where have you been placing them?

A: All in the local market. One or two suggestions that came in from the distribution might interest you.

B: Yes. What were they? Anything that will help sales?

A: Perhaps. General opinion is that the rear carrier should be offered as an extra.

B: That's to keep the price down, I suppose. I'll take it up with our overseas department and listen to what they've got to say about this.

A: Thanks.












Dialogue 3

A: I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem.

B: I should say it is something we have never come across before.

A: The Federal Food and Drug Administration, or the FDA as we call it for short, imposes a whole set of regulations on the import of food products to the United States. Over the years, they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head- ache for us importers.

B: In my opinion, overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports.

A: Ah, there's something in what you're saying. According to the present FDA regulations, the Ma Ling Labels then cannot be used if the lichee is to be offered for import into the United States.





——啊,你说得有些道理。根据现在的FDA规章,如果荔枝要被获准进入美国,Ma Ling标签就不能使用。

B: Why not? Our canned lichee and canned provisions have al- ready been widely sold in various markets abroad, and the Ma Ling Label has now been accepted by most of overseas custom- ers and importers. Is it quite impossible for you to use the Ma Ling labels as they are?

A: I'd be quite willing to if I could, but we must comply with the label requirements according to our law, or we can't clear the consignment of lichee through the Customs.

B: In that case, what can we do to help you? Have you any suggestions?

A: Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral cans on a C.I.F. basis for delivery in Hong Kong? Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations.

B: Do you think that's the only way out? You know we usually do the labeling, as we are responsible for the brand labels of our products.

——为什么不行呢?我们的罐装荔枝和其他罐装品已经在国外许多市场上广泛销售,而且Ma Ling商标已经被大多数的海外顾客和进口商所接受。你真的没法使用Ma Ling标签吗?





Dialogue 4

A: Mr. Jones, shall we now discuss the packaging?

B: Very well. You know, we have definite ways of packaging garments. As to blouses, we use a polythene wrapper for each article, all ready for window display.

A: Good. A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales. With competition from similar garments producers, the merchandise must not only be good value but also look attractive.

B: Right you are. We'll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse.

A: What about the outer packing?

B: We'll pack them 10 dozens to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton.

A: Cartons?

B: Yes, corrugated cardboard boxes.

A: Could you use wooden cases instead?

B: Why use wooden cases?











A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load.

B: The cartons are comparatively light, and therefore easy to handle. They won't be stowed away with the heavy cargo. The steve- dores will see to that. Besides, we'll reinforce the cartons with straps. Silk blouses are not fragile goods. They can stand a lot of jolting.

A: Maybe you are right, but the goods are to be transhipped at Hamburg or London. If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf, the dampness or rain may get into them. This would make the blouses spotted or ruined.

B: No need to worry about that. The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof, and as the boxes are made of cardboard, they will be handled with care.

A: Well, I don't want to take any chances. Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.






B: Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather discourages pilferage.

A: Maybe so, but I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing, or packing unsuitable for sea voyage.

B: But cartons are quite seaworthy. They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports. There are never any complaints from our clients, and our insurance company has also approved such packing for W.P.A. and T.P.N.D.




A: If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance com- pany refuses to honor a claim for faulty packing, we would be quite willing to accept cartons.

B: I'm sorry, but we can't take on any responsibility that is beyond our functions and powers. We'll make sure that the packing is seaworthy, but we can’t commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap.

A: I can understand your position. Perhaps I'm asking too much.

B: We'll use wooden cases if you insist, but the charge for packing will be considerably higher, and it also slows delivery.

A: Well, I'll call you immediately for instructions on the matter.

B: Please do. I'll be waiting for your reply.







Words and Expressions

garment [ 5^B:mEnt ]服装,衣服

polythene [7pCli5Wi:n]聚乙烯

wrapper [5rApE ]封套,包装物

catch the eye引人注目

stevedore [5sti:vidC:]装卸工,搬运工

strap [strAp]带,铁皮带

lichee [5li:tFi:]荔枝

comparatively [kEm5pArEtIvlI]稍微,有点


1. be ready for window display可直接做橱窗陈列

2. wrapping that catches the eye引人注意的包装

3. We'll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the price.我们会注意使这些衬衫看上去美观,价格具有吸引力。

4. an open wharf露天码头

5. to honor a claim for faulty packing接受由于包装不当而提出的索赔

6. bring up提出

a. You may bring up the matter at the meeting for consideration this afternoon.今天下午你可以把这件事在会议上提出来考虑。

b. This problem will be brought up at the next meeting.


7. to stand经得起,耐得住,忍受

Please see that the packing is seaworthy and stands long sea voyage.请注意包装必须适合于海运,并经得起长期的海上航行。

8. on the ground(s) of以……为理由

They would ask for compensation on the grounds of faulty packing.


9. to smooth out解决;弄平

a. Before going into further discussion, there are one or two things to be smoothed out.在进一步讨论前,还有一两件事情需要解决。

b. Every time she got up from a seat, she always smoothed out the crease in her dress.


A Specimen Letter

Dear Sirs:

We are pleased to inform you that 50 cases of adjustable wrenches you shipped to Lagos on March 18th have arrived in perfect condition. This shows that you have made a great deal of improvement in packing.

As for the pliers to be shipped to us, we would like you to have them packed in boxes of 2 dozens each, 100 boxes to a wooden case. We trust you will give special care to the packing in order to avoid damage in transit.

Kindly let us know if you can meet our requirements.

With our best regards.







Substitution Drills

1 Our staffs in the transportation department are fully engaged.



helpful and efficient





2 Your sincere advice on the packing is welcome.

comments are



3 I had told you that by the beginning of September I would have completed the task.







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